Association of the Bar of the City of New York Cannabis CLE was great! Many thanks to Adele Hogan who invited me to be on the panel and Alana Hans-Cohen for her amazing work on the Drugs and the Law Committee of the NYC Bar! This is me at the podium speaking by the way.

- Speaker, Panel on M&A, Financing, Banking and Regulatory Compliance for the Cannabis Industry, NYC Bar Association, July 17, 2023
- Speaker, The Cannabis Leadership Exchange: Unpacking CAOA and The Path to Federal Regulation, November 10, 2021
- Speaker, Federal Bar Association Practice & Procedure Roundtable on Cannabis Tax, September 30, 2021
- Speaker, “Do You Know What You’re Buying? Risk Assessment & Risk Analysis of Cannabis Operators,” CannaVest East, February 19, 2020
- Speaker, “The Cannabis Industry: Taxes, IRS Audits and Sec. 280E,” AICPA Webcast, January 27, 2020
- Speaker, “The Cannabis Industry: Taxes, IRS Audits and Sec. 280E,” AICPA National Tax Conference, November 13, 2019
- Speaker, “Accounting For Cannabis And The IRS,” CLAB’s 4th Annual Cannabis Law and Business Conference, October 28, 2019
- Speaker, “Preferred Equity Investments in Real Estate Ventures,” Strafford Webinar, August 15, 2019
- Speaker, “Cannabis in the Zone,” 2019 Opportunity Zone Expo, May 9, 2019
- Speaker, “Cannabis Industry Real Estate Investment Opportunities,” High NY Cannabis Investment: Real Estate, Opportunity Zones & NYC, May 1, 2019
- Speaker, “Financing Opportunity Zone Projects: Exploring the Nuances Among the Hoopla,” CRE Finance Council, February 28, 2019
- Speaker, “Navigating the Regulatory, Compliance & Tax Landscape,” Arcview Investor Forum, February 7, 2019
- Co-Chair and Speaker, “Financing Renewable Energy: Prospects for 2016,” New York City Bar Association Continuing Legal Education, January 27, 2016
- Speaker, “Taxation of Alternative Energy,” JPMorgan Chase In-House Continuing Legal Education, January 30, 2015
- Speaker, “In-Depth Tax Planning for Renewable Energy Projects,” EUCI San Diego, June 9-10, 2014